Friday, October 9, 2009

How to Care for Wooden Bedroom Furniture

Some people don’t think ahead to the care and maintenance that will be required in order to keep up the furniture they purchase in prime condition. When you purchase a Wooden Platform Bed or other wood furnishings, you are committing to the upkeep of that furniture, which requires a bit of special attention above and beyond the typical metal, brass, or MDF bed materials. Here are some pointers regarding how to care for this furniture so that you can rest assured it will last you a long time and not require replacement any time soon.

Your master bedroom furniture should last you a long time, but in order to make this possible, you need to properly attend to the pieces, especially the Headboards, since these are the most exposed part of the bed and also the most noticeable. Start with a regular dusting routine – simply brush a dry cloth or feather duster over the surface daily so that you keep the settled dust to a minimum throughout the week, since settled dust can eventually begin to scar the wood. Once a week, dampen a cloth slightly and wipe the wood down to remove even more dust and any stuck-on materials.

Many Storage Beds are made of wood, and wood platform beds are especially susceptible to dirt and dust, being lower to the ground than other beds. This means greater diligence in care is needed. Never use a wet cloth or paper towel because you don’t want to get too much water on the wood, which could possibly cause it to swell out of shape. Aside from your established dusting and cleaning routine, you need to take further interest in your wood bedding to include furniture polish. This is something that only needs to be used about once a month, keeping the wood oiled and polished so that it remains in good condition and continues to shine with a newly purchased quality.

Even more important is the dusting of bookcase headboards, in which the bins and shelving can quickly and easily collect dust. Dust bunnies can build up in corners of the shelves, and many items placed on those shelves, such as framed photos and books, can be real dust magnets. For the best quality products in such furniture, South Shore Furniture is one of the most trusted and respected manufacturers. South Shore is incredibly versatile, with a variety of styles and options in bedroom furnishings, all of which are high quality without being budget busters. Choices include headboards and all types of wood beds.

Regardless of whether you purchase a bed entirely of wood or decide to go for a mix, such as a Wrought Iron and Wood Bed, you should keep in mind that the maintenance of wood furniture is a bit tedious and needs to be adhered to with diligence if you want the furniture to last you a long time. If you simply aren’t ready to commit to a care routine, it might be better to choose another type of furniture for the time being.

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