Monday, October 5, 2009

Argyle Headboard

Now more than ever, couples are living together before they get married. This is actually thought by some psychiatrists to be a good thing, for it is only by living together that you begin to truly know someone else. You can learn a lot about your partner when you move in together, such as if he leaves the cupboard doors open, or if she takes up all of the counter space in the bathroom. You can even learn what kind of stuff your partner leaves in the medicine cabinet, which is always a sure tell of what kind of person they are. If you’re moving in together with someone, you may also learn very quickly that your tastes in Bedroom Furniture don’t match.

It can be tricky to select affordable bedroom furniture for a couple. One, for instance, may like wooden headboards while the other likes metal headboards. She might like furniture with feminine touches, while he likes a more masculine look. The Argyle Headboard was designed with just this sort of situation in mind. This metal headboard is suitable for men or for women and looks absolutely amazing in any style of bedroom. The diamond accents on the back take the headboard to the next level of design.

And because it’s made by a company who knows what they’re doing in the furniture world, the Fashion Bed Group, this is one piece of furniture that will survive as long as your relationship does – or longer, in some cases.

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