Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Emergence of Trundle Daybeds in Europe

If there is one thing that Europeans know how to do better than anyone, it is save space. Not only are most European hotel rooms smaller than their American counterparts, the average European home is smaller, as well. It is for this, and many other reasons, that daybeds have become extremely popular here. A daybed with trundle provides two beds and a sitting area in one compact space. They are the perfect addition to any bedroom that needs an extra bed, but only some of the time.

What really makes the emergence of trundle daybeds in Europe so fantastic is what families do with the look of their daybed once they bring it home from the store. Some of the most beautiful, ornate and complex patterns, designs and styles often sprout up. If you have ever seen a proper English garden, you know how much care is taken to decorate this tiny postage stamp sized patch of earth so that it looks its best. The same care is used with a trundle day bed. No inch of space is wasted and no patch of fabric is left untouched or unappreciated. We have a lot we can learn from the Europeans when it comes to saving space and using the space we have properly.

Iron daybeds are also becoming very popular. They retain a regal, almost medieval look that works wonderfully in a room that already has a brass bed or other kind of metal bed. You can bet, as time goes on, more and more people will be looking to Europe for the next big design wave.

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