Saturday, April 11, 2009

Platform Beds - A Better Night’s Sleep?

Contemporary platform beds are taking the country by storm – in many of the home design shows these days, if a bedroom gets involved, the box spring gets tossed out the door and a platform model appears in its place. But what do the people who have to sleep in it have to say? Was that the best choice for them?

The answer – most likely. Platform beds tend to be much sturdier than a typical bed with a box spring. There are several differences that give this style an extra edge over other beds. There are more slats that support the mattress, giving the springs more to press against than they get in a typical box spring. In fact, many countries don’t utilize box springs at all, giving you a completely firm and flat area to lay on. Platform beds often add more stability overall for when people toss and turn as opposed to a traditional bed frame. Because the bed connects throughout, movement is minimal, allowing for a deeper, better sleep. Could it get better? Add in a memory foam mattress and you’ll likely have it made.

The best part is that platform beds come in a fantastic array of styles for anyone’s needs. Companies like Hillsdale Furniture and South Shore Furniture offer beds with extra storage beneath them, simple or elaborate headboards, with or without footboards, beds that allow the mattress to be set in deeply or merely on top, and every color and design combination you can imagine. Knowing that these beds are indeed both comfortable and diverse, how could you buy one and not have a better night’s sleep?

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